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Study Centres Abroad

Centre de Recherches sur Littérature de Voyages

This institution has its headquarters at the University of Paris , the Sorbonne (Paris IV) and is dedicated to the research travel literature with particular interest in the following aspects, documentaries, aesthetics, and ideology.

  Women’s Travel Writing: 1830-1930

The University of Minnesota promotes a digitalisation project on Women’s writing, during the period 1830-1930. The texts available on the portal are aimed at the widest possible audience to make people aware of women travellers both in the USA and in Europe in the non western areas of the world.

New York Public Library

This is one of the world’s most well known institutions, alongside the great collections of the British library, the congress library. It hosts collections for academics and researchers, but also an enormous quantity of volumes for a non academic audience.
  Biblioteca del Congresso

La Biblioteca del Congresso di Washington costituisce l’immagine della storia e della cultura americana. Offre al navigatore la possibilità di visionare collezioni di immagini, gallerie e mostre, che si alternano ad eterogenee raccolte di documenti e giochi.
Osservatorio sui Balcani

Istituito nel 2000 per rispondere alla domanda di conoscenza e dibattito di persone, associazioni ed istituzioni che da anni operavano per la pace e la convivenza nei Balcani; oggi l’Osservatorio è un laboratorio sull’Europa di mezzo e offre uno sguardo sulla stessa e sull’intera Europa che nei Balcani si riflette.


Italian Study Centres 


Inter University Study Centre of Venice (C.I.S.V.E.)

This initiative took place due to the collaboration with the University regarding the documentation and the scientific study of literature, language , culture and of Venetian traditions, with a particular interest to the enormous collection (about 16000 volumes and pamphlets) of 16th century texts.
  The Italian archive for Italian travellers in Rome and Lazio

The working tool which gives the possibility of consulting academic texts, bibliographies and related images regarding travelling in the Rome and Lazio area. (the site is currently being refurbished)
Inter University Research Centre for the Italian Journey (CIRVI)

This centre develops and promotes research, meetings, events, and publications on the theme of travel as a meeting of different traditions, mentalities and on the shedding of light on the history and thought, with the main aim of encouraging scientific collaboration between professors and researchers in Universities.
  Storia di Venezia. Materiali per la ricerca

Un sito interamente dedicato alla storia di questa città e al suo ruolo economico e politico in Europa e nell'Adriatico. Nato dall'iniziativa di docenti e ricercatori, offre ai visitatori saggi e strumenti per indagini storiche, economiche e meta-letterarie.
Centro di Documentazione Multimediale della Cultura Giuliana Istriana Fiumana e Dalmata. CDM

Il CDM si occupa di cultura e di storia nelle accezioni più ampie, dal turismo alla cucina, dalla documentazione storica alla didattica, dalla letteratura all'arte relative all’area fiumana e dalmata “nella consapevolezza che le ferite inferte dalla storia non si rimargineranno mai completamente e che soltanto la speranza di una nuova dimensione europea potrà riavvicinare ciò che le vicende umane hanno arbitrariamente allontanato”.

Biblioteche digitali


Travellers’ Library

An online archive of traveller’s writings, recommended by its creators as a starting point for trips between reality and in your imagination.
  Alba Center

An Albanian electronic library, that since 1991 has been responsible for the promotion of Albanian writers.

The French National Library collects many works of a variety of disciplines, many of which are available on the Internet in digital image form and in e-text format. Very useful for academics, as it is divided into thematic categories for example “Voyage en France” (travels in France) and “voyage en Italie” (travels in Italy).
  Electronic Text Center

This is a site of the University of Virginia through which it is possible to access one the biggest digital libraries in the world. Texts are available in HTML format and in Ebook Microsoft Reader and Palm reader.
Oxford Text Archive

On this site it is possible to access many electronic texts, the academic quality is thanks to the hard work of the Humanities community of oxford.

A digital library of texts representative of cultural traditions and Italian literary traditions from the Middle ages to the 19th century. It is promoted by the “Centro Interuniversitaro Biblioteca italiani telematica” (CiBIT) supported by the project “Biblioteca Digitale Italiana” of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage.

Acronym for Italian Culture on the Net, from an initiative under the patronage of the President of the Republic and an agreement between 23 Italian universities, which have the aim of promoting the culture, the study and image of Italy in the world. On this portal for registered users there are digital texts available realised by CiBIT.

L’Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane (the Central institute for the unique cataloguing of Italian libraries) and for bibliographic information (ICCU) was established in 1975 following the founding of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, sub entering in the National Centre for unique cataloguing in 1951, with the aim of cataloguing the whole national bibliographical patrimony, currently accessible on line.

Through this site it is possible to gain access to all mediateches in the whole of Italy. The consortium and the portal are promoted and managed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage which was established in 1997, with the objective of spreading the word of multi media , cultural, services and innovative projects.

This site offers an indication of all Italian cultural journals published throughout the world from 2000 onwards. In the space reserved for research bibliographies it is possible to access research articles via authors, by titles and by subject and be able to read abstracts for each one.

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