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Literary touristic itineraries of the Centro Internazionale di Studi sul Viaggio Adriatico


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The literary itineraries proposed by the Study Centre, re-open the possibility of a two dimensional journey in time and space.

In the tracks of ancient travellers, retracing their maps eroded by time to satellite charts of the Adriatic and its lands, from their notebooks full of stains, to the yellowed pages of diaries, telling of journeys to the places they visited, re-living the knowledge and discoveries, reflections and emotions. “Why” as written by Walter Benjamin “ should the past be dead, and not live for us”

The route we would like to suggest to you starts from our own virtual library, amongst the original texts that the traveller can read, in his/her search for the chosen path.

The route of the Study Centre puts one in a position to do just that, to appropriate oneself to the experience, what still exists of those places, often a lot, to know how to rediscover them, together with new resources which are able to creatively elaborate, according to ones’ inclinations and personal choice, to make your own highly individual journey.


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Our journey is symbolised by its slowness, a slow penetration and of sedimentary impressions.

The time taken moving from place to place is not time wasted, not time to be counted, but time that must be devoured, to be lived, to be transported through the provinces, excavated roads that discover the soul of these places, and transform them into places with a soul.

The eyes of our traveller is seen through the eyes of “Another”, of the writer of whom was chosen, to follow in his footsteps, from Orazio to mediaeval pilgrims, from Goethe to the authors of brilliant reportages ( Yes! There really are also authors of the nineteenth century) able to capture the profound identity of places visited, their unique and unrepeatable character concealed, under an apparent recognition to which one stops those in a hurry and the passive tourists of the globalised era. 

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It is not really a question of how many days are available, but of a mental availability. Whether the journey is a long or a short one, if it crosses Countries or just a Region, if its a weekend trip, or merely a day trip ( even this we suggest), the mind of the traveller, in the clock of his mind, articulates the rhythm and the interior of time.

The itineraries are published monthly, they help in this, by offering through our Interadriatica territorial network, the possibility of personalising your own route, also a variety of possibilities, of discoveries, access to the identity revealed by places.

We suggest that you use less crowded seasons , in order to perceive the essence of a hamlet or a city, the infinite distance., the silence of the scenery.


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The taste of food stored for the Winter, the flowering Spring , the smells of the grape harvest, the golden mornings of Autumn, the stone of a white city, covered in snow, is the most unusual of images, but recalls memories, to think about again, a journey gone by, maybe to write about, according to the old custom, maybe at the computer, taking part in our forum of “creative writing” or “experiences as a tourist”. Those who choose our itineraries are either travellers or archaeologists so called by Carlo Magris- those able to slide down into the layers of time and of psyche.

Every city is like the mythical Troy, in which comes to light layers one on top of the other by centuries, everyone founded on the foundations of another , rediscovered, out of metaphor, flowering in places with a long history and their own identity, with maybe something of themselves, a passionate but cognitive adventure.           

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