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Creative writing

We are opening up this space dedicated to creative writing with five exceptional pieces, that have already been published. They have preserved the original character included in these five are; two short stories by Giuseppe Bevilacqua and Claudio Magris, based on a typical trip to the Gulf of Quarnaro, two short tales of the Adriatic by Fabio Fiori, and a carefully adapted version by the author, some verses of the “modern” ode of Guido Baldassarri, We will then follow with the publication of some previously unpublished works on travelling around the Adriatic, selecting those pieces which we would like to invite you to send us.


Claudio Magris - Piccolo mito autentico di un'isoletta del Quarnero. Quel Paolo di Canidole che sfidò un esercito 
Giuseppe Bevilacqua (Rolleri) - Due reduci 
Fabio Fiori - Adriatico: piccole storie di mare e di costa 
Guido Baldassarri - Viaggio in autostrada 

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