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The Statute








L’Università degli Studi di Lecce, is represented pro tempore by the Magnifico Rettore prof. Oronzo Limone

L’Università degli Studi di Bari, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Giovanni Girone

L’Università degli Studi del Molise, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Giovanni Cannata

L’Università degli Studi di Trieste, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof.  Domenico Romeo

La Regione Puglia, is represented pro tempore by Presidente della Giunta Regionale, on. Nichi Vendola

L’Università degli Studi di Banja Luka, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Mirjanic Dragoljub

L’Università degli Studi di Zadar, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Damir Magas

L’Università degli Studi di Novi Sad, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Radmila Neducin

L’Università degli Studi di Tirana, is represented pro tempore by Magnifico Rettore prof. Rrokayj Shezai

            hereby stipulate and agree the following

 Art. 1

With present constitutional act the inetr universitary Centre for international study of theadriatic travels shall be founded.

The Centre’s headquarters shall be at the University degli Studi di Lecce. The other branches shall be at the participating universities.

The Centre will have a duration time of six years, renewable by common consent of the participating parties.

Each participating party will be able to withdraw from the agreement by giving written notice to the Centre’s Director by registered post at least six months before the expiry date. 

 Art. 2

The Centre will pursue the following aims :

- the retrieval and the collecting of extensive and varied resources pertaining to the Interadriatic area, with the aim of research, teaching, evaluation of and the spreading of the patrimony while at the same time ensuring access to the widest possible audience;

- to promote protect ional policies for the evaluation of the historical cultural assets found in the territory;

- to reinforce a cultural identity in area that up until now has been undervalued;

- to favour inter institutional cooperation between the countries in the Eastern Adriatic area and Italian Adriatic coastal regions;

- to constitute and to render operational cultural and tourist itineraries both in coastal and countryside areas able to influence orientation and behaviour models compatible with the protection and preservation of the environment;

-  to implement marketing strategies linked to the Adriatic tour;

-  to provide incentives for the creation of integrated and the expansion of tourist models between cultural institutions, local bodies and tourism;

-  to promote the development of new work possibilities by the means of specialised training, paying particular attention to the type of information, especially that of Information Technology. Expert researchers in the field , librarians and tour operators to be made available.

Included in the aims are those objectives and results predicted by the project “Progetto Interreg Viaggiadr”, Attachment A, which form part of the present agreement.

During the first two years of the project the exclusive aim of the project is to carry out the initiatives and to pursue the results predicted by the project “Progetto Interreg IIIA (Tran frontier Adriatic) axis 1 (measure 1.3, actions 1.3.3 and 1.3.5): VIAGGIADR.


Art. 3

Participants in the Centre are free from all adherences.

Those able to members of the Centre are those physical and legal persons, academics and academic groups, local and private bodies, public and territorial administrations and associations.

Those participating in the Centre and those in the future constituted in the network of interadriatic companies and local bodies as predicted by the project shall hereby agree to support the initiative of cultural and sustainable tourism (2-26 / 2-3).

Prospective applicants for the Centre should make a written application to the Director of the Centre. New applicants will have to reach the approval of the Delegated committee and after such an admission will be formally underwritten and integrated into the existing clauses of the present agreement. New members will form part of the Associate Assembly and only in cases of local/public bodies/institutions will they be designated their own representation in Delegated Committee, this designation tacitly means the renewal, made prudently at least 30 days in advance and not be revoked by the Legal representative of the afore mentioned body, with an alternative designation as submitted to the delegated committee as foreseen in clause 8.

Art. 4


Members of the Centre are: the Chairman, (President), The Associate Assembly, The Director, The Delegated Committee, the Governing Board and the Administrative Manager.

Art. 5


The Chairman/President will be Rector of one of member universities and be elected by the assembly.

The Chairman/President will remain in office for three years, the office is immediately renewable for a second term of three years.

The Chairman/President publicly represents the Centre.

The Chairman/President convenes at least once every three years a General Assembly of the Associates and should preside over the meeting.

Art. 6


The Associate Assembly should meet at least once every three years. All members regardless of title should be invited to attend.

Summons to the assembly should by made by post(registered letter), fax or electronic mail at least 7 days before the meeting.

The convocation notice should contain a) all subjects under discussion b) time, place and date of the meeting, c) that the right to vote may be exercised either by post or via the Internet, d) the time available to exercise the right of postal vote which must be decided by the Centre itself.

The assembly is constitutionally valid with the presence of at least half of its members (actual members or delegated members). Any directives taken by the Assembly should be reached only by a majority vote of participating members.

Members can exercise their right to vote either by post or via the Internet and therefore are considered to be full participating and contributing members who can define a constitutional Quorum and therefore enforce directives.

Postal and votes made via the Internet must arrive at the Centre’s headquarters at least 24 hours before the meeting.

The Assembly elects the President/Chairman choosing between the rectors of member Universities.

The assembly formulates to the delegated committee initiative proposals and projects in accordance to that provided for in clause 2 and in attachment A.


Art. 7


The Director of the Centre is a member of the Delegated Committee and is elected by that same body.

The director convenes and presides over the Delegated Committee and the Governing body and is responsible for the day to day running of the centre, represents the centre publicly, promotes and coordinates projects and initiatives of the centre and is responsible for the Budget.

The director on approval of the Delegated Committee stipulates any additions made to the present agreement on the acceptance of new members.

The Director remains in office for three years, the office is immediately renewable for a second term of three years.


Art. 8

The Delegated Committee is made up of:

· three delegates nominated by the University degli Studi di Lecce (Partner leader in the Project VIAGGIADR),

· three delegates nominated by the University of Bari,

· two delegates nominated by each of the founding Bodies,

· one delegate from each of the bodies/institutions that are not part of the founding bodies but are members of the Centre.

Those delegates nominated by the founding Bodies are already subject to being already indicated as their own points of reference and or responsible for the project itself.

The Committee can be validly convened when there is the presence of at least half of its members. The directives of the Committee can assume the majority of intervening members. It is consented an intervention of the Delegated Committee by the means of a postal vote or via the Internet, according to the procedure laid down by the assembly as mentioned in Art. 6 in the present agreement.

The Committee is convened by the Director of the Centre, who presides over it and is also a member.

The Committee evaluates and approves the initiatives and project planning as proposed by the Governing body, elected internally by the Director, approve the budget as proposed by the director. The nomination of ulterior members is subjected to the approval by a majority of the delegated Committee.

The Committee elects by a majority, the director and Number 5 members of the Governing body, one each from the macro areas of the Centre’s activities, as specified by the project Interreg VIAGGIADR.

The Delegated committee remains in office for three years and is renewable.


Art. 9

The Governing Body consists of the Director of the Centre, who convenes and presides over it, a representative from each of the founding Bodies/institutions delegated by the legal representative of the Body/institution of reference, and number 5 members, and one each from the macro areas of the Centre’s activities, as specified by the project Interreg VIAGGIADR.

The Governing Body can be validly convened when there is the presence of at least half of its members. The directives of the Committee can assume the majority of intervening members. It is consented an intervention by the Governing Body by the means of a postal vote or via the Internet, according to the procedure laid down by the assembly as mentioned in Art. 6 in the present agreement.

The Governing Body participates in the coordination of the centre’s activities, together with the Director, proposes to the Delegated Committee the planning of the Centre.

Members elected to the Governing Body remain in office for three years, which can be immediately renewed for a further three years.

Art. 10

Administrative Director is an technical/administrative post within the University of Lecce, with its headquarters at the Centre.

The post is nominated by the rector of the University on a proposal made by the Director of the Centre.

The administrative Director takes part in both Committee and Governing body meetings, by keeping the minutes, preparing the budget which is supervised by the Director and the Delegated Committee.


Art. 11

The Centre is able to obtain funding from both public and private means of any kind and of any nature as mentioned in art.2 and attachment A.

The management of the Centres funds is delegated to the Governing Body and in accordance with the Delegated committee based on the availability and disposition as outlined by the Administration, Accounts and Funding Rules of the University.

For eventual groups of member academics at the Centre in quality of a self financed operation reserve the right to manage their own resources in the context outlined in art. 2 and attachment A, and within the limits fixed by Comunitary norms on public funding.

Art. 12

All parts agree that for the first three years the following are nominated:

- President/Chairman of the Centre: The Rector of the University degli Studi di Lecce

- The director of the Centre, Prof Giovanna Scianatico, in charge of the Scientific Area of the project Interreg VIAGGIADR.

Art. 13

The role in the first three years of the Delegated Committee and the Governing Body will be explicitly defined by the Guiding Committee , nominated by the person in charge of the scientific area of the project, as so outlined in the same project (pag. 2/27).

Art. 14

Eventual additions and changes made to the present Statute can be proposed by a member of the governing body or by at least three members of the Delegated committee, if there are no objections made to the fixed aims in art. 2.

The subjected changes and additions, if approved by a majority of participating members of the Assembly according to the models laid down in Art 6 of the present agreement and are part of the present Statute, under the form of additional protocols.

Art. 15

The project Interreg VIAGGIADR constitutes attachment A and it plays an integral part of the present agreement.


Lecce, lì 23 aprile 2005

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